Homes with Heart

Our residences offer a personalised, caring environment with plenty of freedom, yet structure where needed.

Homes are all built to code including the necessary safety features (such as smoke alarms and sprinkler systems) and accessibility requirements where needed.

As part of our welcome we’ll work with you to determine the best home for you based on your preferences, needs and personality.

Features of our homes include

  • Indoor-outdoor spaces
  • Home-like environment
  • Modern space
  • Friendly layout
  • Everyone gets their own personal space
  • Around-the-clock staff on site
  • Safety and accessibility features

The Trust accommodates 27 residents, who have come from a range of different backgrounds – personal homes, semi-independent living and other residential care.

Every home is different according to personalities, abilities, and like any flatting environment, the mix in a home is the key to ensuring a happy home.

All our homes are single storey.

Canterbury Residences

Bainton Street

A purpose-built house where the original residents were free to choose colours for their rooms. Residents are still encouraged to make their room feel like their own.

It was designed to meet the needs of our older individuals with wide corridors and large bathrooms.

It’s a quiet place with residents enjoying a retired pace of life.

Memorial Ave

Opened in 1990, the residents here are generally more independent and are like any group of flatmates.

This house has a mix of male and female, with a maximum of six residents.

The Memorial Ave house is significant in that it was opened about the same time the Trust was officially established. The Hon. Mike Moore attended and formally opened the home and Trust.

Glencoe Street

The Glencoe Street house was opened in 1994 and has room for five residents.

Currently, all the residents are female.

Kendal Ave

In 1997, Kendal Home opened in response to the de-institutional process but as the years progressed, and the needs and desires of individuals changed so has this home.

Brookside Terrace

A relaxed environment where, like all homes, residents get to have the opportunity to mold the home around themselves, their routines and choices.

Brookside Tce was opened in July, 1997 and is currently all male.

This increased autonomy includes decisions both inside and outside of the house, providing a nice balance between flexibility and structure.